Monday, July 22, 2013

Costa Concordia Officers Guilty of Manslaughter In Plea Bargain

A court in Italy has convicted five people of manslaughter over the Costa Concordia shipwreck off Giglio island which killed 32 people in January 2012

Photo courtesy of The Atlantic  

Two officers, the helmsman, the head of cabin service and the head of the crisis team were given up to two years and 10 months in jail for multiple manslaughter, negligence and shipwreck. They had agreed plea bargains and may avoid custodial sentences.

Capt Schettino's faces 20 years in jail if found guilty, and he is being tried separately. 

He is charged with multiple manslaughter for causing the shipwreck and abandoning the vessel with thousands still aboard. 

His case will resume on September 23, and his request for a plea bargain has been rejected by the prosecution.

Capt Schettino maintains he managed to steer the stricken vessel closer to shore so it did not sink in deep water where hundreds might have drowned. His lawyers say he is being made a scapegoat for what was simply an accident.

Read full article at BBC

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