Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cruise Bill of Rights Proposed by NY Senator

Senator Charles Schumer, Democrat from New York said he is asking the cruise industry to voluntarily sign on to a list of guidelines, including the right to backup power if generators fail, along with the right to disembark a docked ship “if basic provisions cannot adequately be provided on board.”

Schumer's bill of rights would also include:

  • The right to a full refund for a trip that is abruptly canceled due to mechanical failures
  • The right to full time, on board professional medical attention in the event of a major health crisis
  • The right to real-time information updates as to any adjustments in the travel plan of the ship in the event of a mechanical failure or emergency
  • The right to a ship crew that is properly trained in emergency and evacuation procedures

He also called on the International Maritime Organization to investigate whether cruise lines are following existing guidelines, and whether existing standards are being enforced by countries where cruise ships that serve U.S. passengers are based.

Cruise ships, in large part operating outside the bounds of United States enforcement, have become the wild west of the travel industry, and it’s time to rein them in before anyone else gets hurt,” Schumer said in a statement. “This bill of rights, based on work we’ve done with the airline industry, will ensure that passengers are not forced to live in third world conditions or put their lives at risk when they go on vacation.”

The senator's proposal is in response to the recent woes of Carnival Cruise Lines mechanical issues.

Latest response from Carnival Cruise LinesCarnival Updates Status of Three Ships, Decries “Inaccurate” Media Reporting

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