Thursday, August 23, 2012

What Does It Mean When Your Cruise Ship Is Sick?

As we head into the end of summer and beginning of Fall, we will hear more about the norovirus because cruise ships will start their Caribbean cruises and the cold and flu season kicks off again

This means more stories about cruise passengers getting ill while at sea. The word "norovirus" does sound pretty bad. I even thought there was something dangerous about sailing on cruise ships after I heard about case after case.
That was until I talked to doctors at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta and found out that norovirus is nothing more than the stomach flu - and it isn't a disease that people only get on cruise ships.
According to the braniacs at the CDC, "the common cold is the only illness more common, and
the CDC estimates that there are more than 20 million cases of norovirus annually

Read full article - What Does It Mean When Your Cruise Ship Is Sick?

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