Monday, January 16, 2012

Has Costa Concordia's Captain Been Outed on Facebook?

The captain of a vessel is the supreme master of his ship at sea.  The captain is responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel, discipline and order of the crew, and the safety of all crew and passengers.

Costa Cruises released a statement saying there may have been "significant human error" on Captain Schettino's part. The vessel appears to have been too close to the shore, and the captain's judgment in handling the emergency appears to have not followed standard Costa procedures.

The captain spoke on Italian TV, and insisted the rocks were not on his map. However the coast guard states the waters are well mapped. Local fishermen in the area state the coastline is well know for its rocky sea floor.

Although not confirmed, many locals say The Concordia had a tradition of "a fly-by" with Giglio island. Locals further state the ship would come close to the island and sound its horn while passengers onboard would wave.

But now comes this news from of all places Facebook!

Cruise disaster: captain neared rocks in Facebook stunt for friend's family
In a pre-planned stunt advertised on Facebook, captain of The Concordia, Francesco Schettino, sailed perilously close to the coast of Giglio so that the ship's head waiter could salute his family on land.

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