Monday, March 1, 2010

What to Do When Ship Happens

I ran across this article at CruiseMates today by Paul Motter, and wanted to share . . . Linda

Every once in awhile the cruise industry has a tough week, and this has been one of them.

This morning we got the news that one of the nicer Costa cruise ships, the Europa, was blown by a strong wind up against the dock in Sharm al Sheik, Egypt, resulting in the death of three crewmembers. We are not sure exactly how the crewmembers died, but weather conditions were bad enough that all of the passengers were disembarked from the ship, put up in hotels and will be flown home.

Another ship, Celebrity Mercury, suffered one of the worst outbreaks of Norovirus on a cruise ships we have seen for a few years. Approximately 8% of the population of this ship was affected by the virus, about 300 people.

Even five years ago, before much more stringent practices to prevent the spread of diseases on ships were put into place, this would have been a significant outbreak. Fortunately, the recovery seems to be working out well and the line is doing a thorough cleaning that should prevent a similar outbreak from occurring on the next cruise of the same ship.

Finish reading article at CruiseMates

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