Thursday, March 4, 2010

Star Clippers Video & Virtual Tour

It’s as if you had your own chartered yacht and could sail anywhere you wanted. Except we do all the work for you while you laze in our pool, or watch the dolphins play in their pool.

Royal Clipper explores the lush, exotically beautiful islands like Dominica and St. Lucia, where jungle trails abound with sweet-smelling vanilla orchids and other wild-growing tropical flowers and visits privileged enclaves in the lesser-known Grenadines.

Clipper is the perfect platform from which to launch diving adventures in the Tobago Cays, where the reefs are a marvel of colourful marine creations.

Royal Clipper sails from Barbados on alternating voyages to explore the Spice Islands of the Grenadines or the Windward Islands.

Star Clippers Video

Virtual Tour

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