Monday, February 1, 2010

Single Travel Cruises and Vacations

Singles Cruise
Travel Single . . . Never Alone
Offers guests private meet and greet singles events, cocktail mixers, lectures, theme parties, a separate dining area for our group and ongoing activities organized by our dedicated cruise directors.

Singles who book with us can choose from a variety of cruises and itineraries planned throughout the year with anywhere from 100-400 singles onboard. Our singles are not all necessarily looking for love – some are looking for new friends to travel with.

Cruising For Love is not a dating service but a way for everyone who is single to join in the fun of a cruise to the Caribbean, Alaska or Europe by going in a group.

We offer payment plans to make your travel dreams come true, and with our creativity and roommate - matching service - you'll be able to cruise at a very affordable price. We offer singles a safe and comfortable way to cruise with other singles and we'll help you from start to finish.

Singles Travel International

We're more than just another singles cruise company - We cater to the single traveler at heart.

We have sailed the high seas on the new, luxurious QM2 with our guests and have sipped fine wine in Napa. We dined like royalty at a private club in Madrid and played with the "Rich & Famous" on the Costa del Sol. We spent the weekend in New Orleans for their 30th annual Jazz & Heritage Fest, we visited Montreal during the "Just for Laughs" festival and made it to Quebec City just in time to kick off their International Summer Festival.

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